Orchid mantis - Hymenopus coronatus nymph i5-i7
Hymenopus coronatus - orchid mantis.
you will receive a i5 a i7 nymph.
The female that is available is i5/i6
to Southeast Asia
Natural habitat- tropical rainforest.
Temperature 24 - 32c during the day. 20-23c at night.
Humidity 60-80-%
Orchids mimic a flower to ambush prey such as flys, moths.
They prefer flying prey which is best for them nutrition wise.
Food & water: i2-i3 Nymphs are feeding on hydei fruit flys
Then they will need to be fed green bottle flys or blue bottles once they are big enough.
Spray plants and side of enclosure so the mantis can drink from the droplets.
With this species you will find the females are much larger then the males. - sexual dimorphism, with males averaging at 2.5cm and females up to 7cm.
Every mantis should be kept in an arboreal enclosure. With the enclosure being three times their body length minimum.
As nymphs they can be kept in a smoothie cup with a mesh for the lid, giving them a high grip-able surface, to moult from. Also supplying them with decor and substrate.
(We supply mantis starter setups in our website.)
Adult enclosure, more so for females we recommend something that is appropriately 25-30cm tall.
A 15 by 20cm enclosure for males is appropriate.
Decor and substrate:
Provide plenty of branches/ decor such as live or artificial plants, for them to limb and hang from. Leaving enough space to moult safely.
Substrate can be coco soil or earth mix which ever you prefer. You could always use both. Adding a little bit of moss for humidity. Spray a little daily, not letting the substrate dry out completely.